Monday 22 November 2010

First Day on the Job

     Good day to you Bloggers, and welcome to my blog.
     Firstly, I'd like to say that yes, this is my first blog and I probably do look like a bit of a tit to anyone reading this right now.
Glad I've got that off my chest.
     Well my reasoning behind going through the hassle of creating yet another account, on yet another website, is that I want to pursue a career in journalism-
At the moment anyway (could change)
-and basically I thought this would be good practice (hence the naming of my blog: "Column").
     "So", you ask, "why a journalist?" And to be honest it's because I've always been told that my writing skills, creative particuarly, are strong and, after toying with the idea of teaching, I decided on journalism. In my ideal world I would go to uni, preferably a top one, get a comfortable, high-paid, low-effort job, and then become rather wealthy from my novel that I am currently writing (in an extremely rough draft)...Actually, scratch that: If I published my novel now, then I could skip the part where I had to work. Smiles all round!
Uni could still be fitted in there somewhere, just at a more leisurely, less stressful pace.
     However, in the extremely plausible-
And depressingly likely 
-event that my book doesn't get published, I plan on living life as a journalist. So there.

   Your Faithful Blogger
Please feel free to send any criticisms, comments, random drunken monologues,or, indeed, hate mail.

P.S. Another feature of my blog/column, is that I will tell you what music has inspired-
Or more accurately, what music I have listened to during the making of
-this blog/column.
Musical Inspiration = Plan B